Storytime: I Made the Perfect Catch

boxes of surprise figures of evee evolutions

Surprise boxes with the evee evolutions - this was thrilling. ^^

Honestly, Pokémon has always been one of my favorite games since I was a child and it’s still to this day. ^^ Anyways though, apart from the games and sometimes a card booster pack just for fun, I’m not really into getting merch. But only a couple of weeks ago, I just couldn’t keep my hands off a special surprise box. Enjoy this little storytime.

Japan Store Made Me Do It ^^

I was in Berlin (Kantstraße) with friends and we randomly spotted a Japan Store. We’re all having a soft spot for animes and mangas, so yeah, why not let’s hop in and take a look around. This shop was filled with mangas, plushies, all your favorite characters from recent animes, clothing, snacks and just colorful this and that. I got a little overstimulated by all the people and chatter and just wanted to round the shop aisles quickly to have at least a glimpse of everything. And there it was: A stand with surprise boxes of evee evolutions figurines - OMG! *_* There was not much to weigh up, I definitely had to take home one of those.

My Thing With Surprise Boxes

If I could have just picked my favored figurine, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten one. But the thing is: I’m convinced to have a talent for picking the “right” surprise box, haha. That indeed goes back to a journey in Seoul. Back then, I was in a shop with my partner, where they sold surprise boxes of Mini Patrick Star figurines. One in particular caught my partners eyes and he was like, ONLY THIS ONE would be perfect. I can’t recall precisely how many different ones it potentially were, but I think it were about ten dissimilar small Patrick Star figurines. And in this stand were like really many, many surprise boxes. But I tell you, I was confident and said to him, I’ll get you your perfect one - a little Patrick in pajamas lying cutely on a big pillow.

Long story short my friends: I had a good feeling, did the math while holding different boxes in my hands, evaluated correctly and got 👏 this 👏 man 👏 his 👏 perfect 👏 surprise box 👏 Patrick Star. Yeah, that was a bright moment in my life, haha. :D

Back to the Evee Evolutions

So, now in this Japan Store it was clear to me, which evee evolution surprise box I’d be most happy about: It’d be Sylveon. Call me basic but I always love me a good fairy type Pokémon. And currently in Pokémon Violet for the Nintendo Switch, Sylveon is in my main team, it was the first one that reached lvl. 100, I can always count on it and it’s doing such a good job - I’m just very attached to it. ^^

I was standing there with one of my friends and she rather wanted to get Flaeron, the fluffy fire type Pokémon. We contemplated a lot, changing the boxes in our hands over and over again. We felt uncertain, but in the end decisions were made and the both of us each got us one evee evolution surprise box. I felt exhausted afterwards. xD We waited to get back home until doing the unboxing.

Did It Work Out in the End?

Welllllll… We sat on the floor in my friends’ living room and unpacked the boxes at the same time with our eyes closed. I got rid off the cardboard box and removed the plastic thing with which such figures are always protected. Holding the evee evolution in my hands, eyes still closed, I could immediately tell: Damn it, that it NOT Sylveon. What a bummer! By now, my friend was ready, as well, and we agreed to open our eyes now. I looked down and there it lay in my hands: Flaeron! Surprised, I looked over to my right to my friend. And guys, I swear to god, she was holding freakin’ Sylveon!!! :O

No joke. We were gaping, my brain not ready for such an outcome. Then we made some little happy jumps and dances, hugged and happily exchanged Flaeron and Sylveon. Wow, that was a rollercoaster of emotions for a couple of moments. I mean, can you imagine? We worked pretty hard against all odds I’d say. ^^

This was really a big surprise with a happy end and Sylveon has a special place now at home on my desk. <3


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